Acquire calibration board pose in binocular mode.
#include <RVC/RVC.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include "IO/FileIO.h"
#include "IO/SavePointMap.h"
#include "Utils/CaliBoardUtils.h"
void Help() {
"usage: ./GetCaliBoardPoseX2 exposure_time_ms cicle_center_distance_m circle_radius_m\n\ncircle "
"center distance(circle step) and circle radius can be found in calibration board\n\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 4) {
// Initialize RVC X system.
// Scan RVC X Camera devices.
RVC::Device devices[10];
size_t actual_size = 0;
SystemListDevices(devices, 10, &actual_size, RVC::SystemListDeviceType::USB);
// Find whether any RVC X Camera is connected or not.
if (actual_size == 0) {
std::cout << "Can not find any RVC X Camera!" << std::endl;
return -1;
// Create a RVC X Camera.
RVC::X2 x2 = RVC::X2::Create(devices[0]);
// Open RVC X Camera.
// Test RVC X Camera is opened or not.
if (!x2.IsOpen()) {
std::cout << "RVC X Camera is not opened!" << std::endl;
return 1;
const std::string save_directory = "./Data/";
// set capture option parameter
RVC::X2::CaptureOptions cap_opts;
cap_opts.transform_to_camera = RVC::CameraID_Left;
cap_opts.exposure_time_2d = std::atoi(argv[1]);
cap_opts.exposure_time_3d = std::atoi(argv[1]);
cap_opts.use_projector_capturing_2d_image = true;
// set calibration board detection parameter
float extrinsic_matrix[16], intrinsic_matrix[9], distortion[5];
x2.GetExtrinsicMatrix(RVC::CameraID_Left, extrinsic_matrix);
x2.GetIntrinsicParameters(RVC::CameraID_Left, intrinsic_matrix, distortion);
// pixel distance in Z plane where Z equals to calibration board position Z.
const double pixel_dist_m = extrinsic_matrix[11] / intrinsic_matrix[0];
const double circle_radius_m = std::atof(argv[3]), circle_radius_pixel = circle_radius_m / pixel_dist_m;
const int calib_board_size[2] = {4, 11}; // {points_per_row, points_per_colum}
const double center_distance = std::atof(argv[2]); // unit: m
cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params blob_detector_param;
blob_detector_param.filterByColor = true;
blob_detector_param.blobColor = 255;
blob_detector_param.filterByArea = true;
blob_detector_param.minArea = circle_radius_pixel * circle_radius_pixel * 3.14159 / 3; // unit: pixel
blob_detector_param.maxArea = circle_radius_pixel * circle_radius_pixel * 3.14159 * 3; // unit: pixel
blob_detector_param.filterByCircularity = true;
blob_detector_param.minCircularity = 0.5;
printf("area threshold pixel: %f, %f\n", blob_detector_param.minArea, blob_detector_param.maxArea);
// Capture a point map and a image with default setting.
if (x2.Capture(cap_opts) == true) {
std::cout << "RVC X Camera capture successed!" << std::endl;
// Get point map data (m).
RVC::PointMap pm = x2.GetPointMap();
std::string pm_addr = save_directory + "test.ply";
std::cout << "save point map to file: " << pm_addr << std::endl;
SavePlyFile(pm_addr.c_str(), pm);
// Get image data.
RVC::Image img = x2.GetImage(RVC::CameraID_Left);
std::string img_addr = save_directory + "test.png";
std::cout << "save image to file: " << img_addr << std::endl;
double R_in_camera[9], T_in_camera[3];
cv::Mat drawed_image;
bool found = GetCaliBoardPose(pm, img, center_distance, calib_board_size, blob_detector_param, R_in_camera,
T_in_camera, &drawed_image);
cv::imwrite(save_directory + "drawedImage.png", drawed_image);
if (!found) {
"Get pose failed. please adjust parameter according to ./Data/drawedImage.png. if calibboard in 2d "
"image is detected, then adjust exposure time of 3d, otherwise, adjust blobdetector parameter\n");
} else {
// transform point cloud from camera coordinate to calibBoard coordinate
double R_in_calib[9], T_in_calib[3];
RigidTransformInv(R_in_camera, T_in_camera, R_in_calib, T_in_calib);
RigidTransformPointMap(pm, R_in_calib, T_in_calib);
pm_addr = save_directory + "pointmap_in_calib.ply";
std::cout << "save transformed point map to file: " << pm_addr << std::endl;
SavePlyFile(pm_addr.c_str(), pm);
} else {
std::cout << RVC::GetLastErrorMessage() << std::endl;
std::cout << "RVC X Camera capture failed!" << std::endl;
// Close RVC X Camera.
// Destroy RVC X Camera.
// Shutdown RVC X System.
return 0;