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This chapter describes how to use the VDA device properly to avoid affecting the analysis results.

Working Environment

  • Make sure that the device is used under supervision, prevent uninvolved persons, vehicles, etc. from hitting the device.

  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and rain. Do not use the device in the rain. Measurement should be made under an umbrella in the hot sun or in sporadic rain.

  • Shaking will affect the stability of measurement. During use, please make sure the device is placed in a stable position and avoid collision and pressure.

  • Do not expose the device to high temperature for a long time, otherwise the performance and service life of the device will be affected.

  • Sudden changes in local light will affect the measurement (e.g. car high beams at night suddenly irradiate the target point to be measured), during the measurement process, please ensure that the ambient light brightness is stable, uniform, no abnormal movements, and supplemental lighting wherever possible.

Power Supply and Cable

  • Please make sure that the power supply and cable of the device are connected correctly and reliably.

  • Do not switch on and off the power supply continuously, so as not to damage the components or accelerate the aging of electronic parts, which may shorten the service life of the device.

  • Do not pull the cable during use, as this may cause the device to shake, move or malfunction in connection, which may affect the measurement results. If this happens, please re-calibrate the device on site.

  • Do not expose the camera's light-sensitive components directly during operation. If you need to open the camera cover or remove the lens, make sure that the device cable is disconnected, otherwise the service life of the camera will be affected.

Measurement Notes

  • It is not recommended to measure the surface of transparent objects (e.g. colorless liquids or glass), as this may result in laser measurement errors.

  • If the angle between the laser and the target plane is small, the signal received by the laser rangefinder will be weakened, resulting in a loss of measurement accuracy.

  • When measuring in a bright light environment, the accuracy of the laser rangefinder will be reduced.


When the measurement site needs to be relocated, the VDA device should be unmounted and then boxed for transportation, do not move it directly by hand.

  • When packing, the device should be placed stably in the case, and put enough padding to prevent the parts from moving or impacting.

  • Make sure that the device case is locked after packing. If the device shakes or rattles inside the case, open the case immediately and check.

  • If long-distance transportation is required, the device and the case should be shockproof and moisture-proof. When loading, keep the device in the upright position, not upside down.