RVCManager v1.12.0
The RVC-M series cameras now support a FixedLineScan mode, capable of outputting a single line point cloud at a fixed laser line position at a rate of 200fps.
The RVC-M series cameras' SwingLineScan mode now supports the Region of Interest (ROI) function, allowing for the specification of a local scanning range by selecting an ROI.
A new camera precision detection feature has been added.
A new experimental feature for stitching multiple point clouds by recognizing encoded circular markers has been added.
Fixed the occasional failure of HDR automatic parameter tuning.
Fixed the occasional issue of point cloud noise at the edges of the field of view in the SwingLineScan mode.
Optimized the occasional minor fluctuations in point cloud stability in the SwingLineScan mode.
Feature removal
- The bilateral filtering parameters has been removed and can be replaced with Gaussian smoothing parameter.
- M series cameras using the SwingLineScan ROI feature need to update the firmware to version 1.3.5
RVCManager v1.11.0
Supported RVC-M52000 large field of view welding Scanners. increased the value range of Line Scan Time and Line Scan Distance parameters.
Added post-processing parameters: Smooth Sigma, Reflection Threshold.
- Removed post-processing parameters: Smooth Level, Bilateral Filtering.
Fixed the Light Contrast parameter of binocular laser scanners.
Fixed the problem of missing line point cloud in Ultra Mode of some scanners.
Fixed the Gain3D parameter in line scan mode.
RVCManager v1.10.0
Supported RVC-M Series Scanners. Added Swing Line Scan Mode and Protective Cover control for RVC-M Series.
Added Auto Bilateral Filtering in binocular mode.
Optimized the camera acquisition thread to improve the acquisition efficiency and reduce the probability of packet loss.
Solve the compatibility problem between SDK and third-party software.
Optimized the display of Auto Clustering Denoising.
RVCManager v1.9.1
- Added Bilateral Filtering and AntiInter Reflection Mode for binocular scanners.
- Reduced the pop-up windows during RVCManager installation on Windows system.
Fixed anomalies in the Linux system for some scanners.
Fixed anomaly of projection color for some scanners.
RVCManager v1.9.0
Supported binocular laser scanners.
Added Auto clustering Denoising option and optimized the denoising algorithm.
When displaying point cloud or image, F11/Esc key can be used to enter/exit full screen.
SDK IDevice reconstruction. Camera opening and switching speed become faster.
In Menu bar, "About" is moved to "Help".
Optimized some text contents in RVCManager.
After connecting to the device, setting the coordinate system and switching the camera mode, capturing can trigger point cloud range adaptation, heatmap range adaptation and rotation center reset.
View reset can be triggered by capturing after connecting a device or switching camera modes.
In the ROI selection window of Auto HDR, the ROI can be selected with both the left and right mouse buttons.
Removed AntiInter Reflection Mode for laser scanners. The anti-interference effect can be achieved by increasing Scan Times.
Removed the Range button from the Display Parameter Buttons, You can zoom directly using the mouse wheel.
Remove the "Function: Choose Rotate Center (Mid Button)" option from the Display Parameter Buttons, the rotation center is selected with the middle button by default.
RVCManager v1.8.4
Supported lossless compression, capture speed and stability of some models have been improved.
Optimized RVCManager UI display.
RVCManager v1.8.3
- Point cloud working range detection: detect whether the point cloud is within the camera working distance range.
Log file is devided into SDK.log and Manager.log.
AntiInter-Reflection Mode: Optimized firmware version detection. For cameras below the required firmware version, the AntiInter-Reflection Mode is blocked.
RVCManager v1.8.2
AntiInter-Reflection Mode: Optimized the projection pattern, reduce the structured light calculation errors caused by multiple reflections.
Multi-Language: Display language can be switched to Chinese/English.
- Z-Truncate: Z-Truncate parameters can be set under Camera Coordinate System and Calibration Board Coordinate System.
- Optimized UI resolution adaptation, compatible with 150% scaling ratio.
RVCManager v1.8.0
Detect CAL Board: Recognize the pixel position and spatial position of the calibration marker center in 2D image + 3D point cloud.
Z-Truncate: You can set the Truncate Z Lower Limit and Truncate Z Upper Limit to filter out the point cloud outside the range.
Bilateral Filtering: You can set the BF Kernal Size, BF Depth Sigma and BF Space Sigma to filter noise.
- Adjust the software packaging method, the size of Windows installation package is adjusted from 390M to 110M.
- Restore the Loss package Compensation to avoid inconsistent support effect of different devices.
RVCManager v1.7.0
Scan Times: Supported multi-frame fusion version of G Series scanners, anti-interference ability is greatly improved.
HDR Parameters: New parameters such as Brightness, Gain, Scan Times, etc. are added, and the dynamic range of imaging is enhanced.
- Optimized the display of RVCManager interface, and the details of UI operation are more reasonable.
RVCManager v1.6.0
Auto IP Configuration: Automatically adjusts the IP and port of the device, making it easier to connect new devices.
Firmware Upgrade: Firmware can be upgraded through RVCManager, old version scanners can use new features through firmware upgrade.
3D point cloud display: added point cloud color, background color, auxiliary display, view adjustment and optimized mouse rotation operation.
Post-processing Parameters: confidence denoising parameters (Confidence Threshold) and clustering denoising parameters (Clustering Distance, Clustering Points) are added to optimize the point cloud quality.
Customer Coordinate System: Support for setting parameters and real-time display, which can effectively adjust the direction and position of the point cloud.
Parameter Import/Export: parameters can be saved as configuration files and reused.
Laser Scanner Capturing Mode: Newly support Ultra/Robust Capture Mode of laser scanners.
- Overall interface changes: adjusted the content and layout, optimized the style, adjusted the software logo and icon.
- Reconstruction of the software, and fixed the known defects.