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Interface Overview

The main interface of RVCManager consists of two parts: Device Management pop-up window and main interface.

Device Management Pop-up Window

Start RVCManager, a Device Management pop-up window will automatically appear.


Area 1 is the Device List Area, displaying the device name, serial number and device status that can be searched.

Area 2 is the Device Details Area, the functions are shown below. See Connecting the Device for operation instructions.

Type Function
Camera Info Displays basic device information, including connection status, serial number, supported projector colors, supported capture modes, working distance, etc. The device serial number can be copied.
Network Card Info Displays information about the computer's NIC information and the NIC of the connected device (visible only for GigE scanners).
Settings Used to configure the IP address of the GigE scanner (visible only for GigE scanners).

Main Interface

The main interface provides the basic functions of the software, mainly used to control the scanner to capture and view data.


Area 1 is the Menu Bar.

Area 2 is the Shortcut Buttons, which contains common operations such as device management, capture, data access and so on.

Area 3 is the Display Area, which displays point cloud/image/capture parameters.

Area 4 is the Display Tabs, which can switch the image type of the Display Area.

Area 5 is the Display Parameter Buttons, which can change the point cloud display color, data range and other parameters, and can perform simple measurement operations.

Area 6 is the Parameter Setting Area, you can view and modify the current capture parameters.

Area 7 is the Device Information Area, you can view the information of the currently connected device.

Area 8 is the Data List Area, displaying the current cache and loaded data list.

The basic functions of each area are described below.

Menu Options
File Open File: Open a local point cloud file in .ply format.
Save File: Save the current data as a point cloud file, depth map, 2D image or cached data.
Device Device Management: Open the Device Management pop-up window.
Language Chinese, English
Help User Manual: Open the User Manual document.
SDK Manual: Open the SDK development document.
C++ Examples: Open the C++ examples folder.
C# Examples: Open the C# examples folder.
Python Examples: Open the Python examples folder.
Log: Open the Logs folder. If you encounter a malfunction, you can view the logs to locate the problem, or send the logs to technical support.
Generate Advanced Log: Advanced logs are generated from the raw data of the point cloud synthesized by the scanner and open the corresponding folder. If there is a quality problem with the point cloud captured by the scanner, you can send this data back to technical support.
About - Software Info: Check the software version information.
About - Company Info: Navigate to RVBUST official website. You can get the latest product information, download product brochures, and the latest software.

Shortcut Buttons

Icon Function
icon-DeviceManagement Device Management: Open the Device Management pop-up window.
icon-3DCapture Capture Once: Take one 3D capture.
icon-3DContinuousCapture Capture Continuously: Enable 3D continuous capture to capture 3D data at fixed intervals.
icon-2DCapture Capture 2D Once: Take one 2D capture.
icon-2DContinuousCapture Capture 2D Continuously: Enable 2D continuous capture to capture 2D data at a fixed intervals.
icon-OpenFile Open File: Open a local point cloud file in .ply format.
icon-SaveFile Save File: Save the current data as a point cloud file, depth map, 2D image or cached data.

Display Area

The Display Area allows you to instantly display the point cloud and images acquired during the Capturing, as well as to view locally opened point cloud files. See View Operations for how to do this.

Display Tabs

The Display Tabs toggles the type of image currently being captured and the capture parameters. When you open a local point cloud file, you can also switch between point cloud and file information. For an example of the image type, see Viewing Images.

Icon Function
icon-PointCloud Displays the 3D point cloud captured by the scanner or opened locally.
icon-DepthMap Displays a depth map captured by the scanner.
icon-2DImage Displays the 2D image captured by the scanner.
icon-ConfidenceMap Displays a confidence map captured by the scanner.
icon-CaptureParameter Displays capture parameters or information about the local point cloud file.

Display Parameter Buttons

When a 3D point cloud is displayed, you can change the display options, such as point cloud color, display range, etc., by using the Display Parameter buttons. The list of functions is as follows, for details and examples, see Point Cloud Display.

Icon Display Parameters Function Description
icon-PointCloudColor Color Select point cloud display color (white/black/custom color/pixel color/heatmap color/pseudo color).
icon-BackgroundColor Background Select the background color of the Display Area (white/black/custom).
icon-AuxiliaryDisplay Visible Content Options for auxiliary view of point cloud distribution (coordinate system/customer coordinate system/plane/normal vector/data range/rotation center).
icon-View View Toggle the point cloud display view (front/rear/left/right/top/bottom/reset).
icon-PointSize Point Size Zoom the size of the individual points displayed in the point cloud view.
icon-DataRange Data Range Set the range of the point cloud, the range of the heatmap display, and update the point cloud after setting.
icon-Measure Measure You can select points from the point cloud to complete a simple measurement.

Parameter Setting Area

The Parameter Setting area can view and modify the current capture parameters. The adjustable parameter type and value range are related to the scanner model, software version, camera mode and capture mode, subject to the interface display. When you need to modify the parameter value, click the value box and drag to size the value, or double-click the value box to enter the value directly. See Parameter Settings for the parameter description and function demonstration.

Group Parameters (varies with scanner model)
Capture Parameters Basic: Camera Mode, Capture Mode, Projector Color, Band Width
2D Settings: Exposure2D, Gain2D, Gamma2D, ProjectorEnable2D
3D Settings: Exposure3D, Gain3D, Scan Times, Light Contrast, Brightness
Swing Line Scan: Line Scan Time, Single Exposure Time, Line Scan Distance, Correspond2D
HDR Parameters HDR Extra Times, HDR Exposure Time per exposure, HDR Gain per exposure, HDR Scan Times per exposure, HDR Brightness per exposure
Post-processing Parameters Denoising: Confidence Denoising, Clustering Denoising, Edge Denoising, Z-Truncate
Smoothing: Smooth Level, Bilateral Filtering
Downsample Distance
Normal Vector Calculate Enable
Device Functions Set ROI
Auto Adjustment: Auto White Balance, Auto HDR
Parameter Options: Restore Default Parameters, Export/Import Parameter File
Device Information: Get Calibration Parameters, Work Range Detection
Detect Calibration Board
Protective-cover Reset
Coordinate Parameters Coordinate System Type selection
Customer Coordinate System Base: input offset value and rotation value to set customer coordinate system.
Customer Quick Config: Quickly determine the coordinate system by selecting 3 points.

Device Information Area

The device information area allows you to view the information of the currently connected scanner, and the content is consistent with the camera information in the Device Management pop-up window. The device serial number can be copied, the information will be empty if the device is disconnected.

Fields Value Description
Name Device model
State Connection status
Serial number Device serial number, copyable
Factory date -
Port GigE scanner port IP
Dual Camera Dual camera support: Yes/No
Projector Colors Binocular mode: Red/Green/Blue/White
Monocular mode: Blue
Capture Modes P/I Series: Fast Mode/Normal Mode/AntiInter Reflection Mode
G Series: Ultra Mode/AntiInter Reflection Mode
M Series: Ultra Mode/AntiInter Reflection Mode/Swing Line Scan Mode/Fixed Line Scan Mode
Work Distance Working distance range
Firmware Ver Firmware version

Data List Area

The Data List area allows you to view frame data information, which is categorized into current frame, cached frames, and offline frames.

Type Function
Current Frame Displays the frame data of the most recent recording, including the capturing time and frame type (2D frame or 3D frame).
Cache Frames Data captured online can be saved as a cache frame, which contains the complete frame data and capture parameter information.
Offline Frames Displays imported data, including file path and file type. If the file path is too long, it will be omitted with "***". Importing offline point cloud will add a new data in the list, select the corresponding data to display the corresponding offline frame information.