SDK Development
1. The quality of point clouds captured with RVCManager and with RVC SDK codes varies greatly.
(1) Check whether the capturing environments are the same.
(2) Check whether the capturing parameters used are the same.
(3) Check whether the parameters set in SDK are substituted into the execution.
2. Error when compiling C++ SDK with CMake: "No cuda found."
(1) Check if your CUDA version is lower than 11.1.
(2) Check if CUDA is installed correctly, e.g. multiple versions are installed at the same time. We recommend reinstalling CUDA.
3. Python SDK compilation failed.
(1) Check if the RVC SDK version is lower than 1.7.1. To use RVC Python SDK below this version, Visual Studio and CMake should be installed.
(2) Check if your Python version meets the configuration requirements. (Available version: Python 3.7-Python 3.10, recommended version: Python 3.7.9)
4. The C# SDK can be compiled and run normally in the development computer, but after copying it to the deployment computer, it reports an error: "RVC_C.dll not found."
(1) Check if you have copied RVC_C.dll file.
(2) If you have already copied RVC_C.dll, check whether the copied file is in Debug mode or Release mode. If Visual Studio is no not installed on the deployer computer, you need to copy RVC_C.dll in Release mode.