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Network and Connection

1. RVCManager cannot find the device.

(1) Check whether the cable connection is normal and tightly plugged.

(2) Check if the system firewall disables the software, close the system firewall and try again.

(3) On Linux system, when the computer is directly connected to the scanner, it is necessary to set a static IP. For details, please refer to Setting Static IP on Linux System.

2. Failed to connect to a USB scanner.

(1) Check the cable connection; the USB scanner needs to be connected to a USB 3.0 port.

(2) Check that the USB connector on the scanner side is plugged in tightly.

3. Network requirements for GigE scanners.

To use a GigE scanner, you must ensure that the network is a Gigabit network or above, otherwise the scanner may experience problems due to insufficient bandwidth. When connecting network cables, avoid splicing the cables with connectors or using a USB-to-Ethernet adapter, as this may reduce the quality of the network transmission and affect the use of the scanner.

You can check whether the network is Gigabit or above, and the speed should be greater than or equal to 1.0 Gbps by accessing the network status page of your computer as follows:

Windows: Start → Settings → Network & Internet → Change adapter options, select the Ethernet used, right-click and choose "Status".


Linux: Open Terminal window, use ifconfig command to check the name of the NIC, and use ethtool command to check the information of the NIC. If there is a 1000baseT/Full field in the Supported link modes, it is a Gigabit Ethernet card.

4. How to adjust the cache size of network card?

When using the GigE scanner, if the network is heavily occupied by other devices, the risk of packet loss will increase. At this time, you need to set the cache of your computer's NIC. Take Linux system as an example, the operation steps are as follows:

(1) Query the name of the network card that the device is connected to, you can check the information of the network card through the RVCManager Device Management pop-up window.

(2) Install ethtool, and execute the command in the Linux Terminal:

sudo apt install ethtool

(3) Check the maximum cache size supported by the current NIC. For example, if the network card name is ens33, execute the command:

sudo ethtool -g ens33

The result is shown in the figure, i.e., the maximum RX/TX cache size supported by the current network card is 4096, and the current cache size is 256.


(4) Set the cache to the maximum. execute the command in the Linux Terminal:

sudo ethtool -G ens33 rx 4096 tx 4096


This method does not work for all types of networks. If the configuration is unsuccessful, the current computer's NIC does not support the configuration and you need to replace the NIC.

5. How can I optimize the NIC configuration?

If the performance of the NIC is very poor, resulting in severe packet loss of the GigE scanner, you can adjust the NIC parameters.

NIC Properties Adjustment
IEEE/Green Ethernet Off
Flow Control Off
Jumboframe Set to maximum
Interrupt Moderation/Interrupt Throttle Rate Off
UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4) Direct Connect Status Off
Intel Receive Side Scaling Queues Set to maximum

Windows: Open Control Panel → Device Manager, find the "Network adapters" option and expand it to locate the NIC that needs to be configured. Right-click and select "Properties", open the "Advanced" tab, and adjust the properties in turn.



Linux: Use the ethtool command to modify the properties of the network card.

6. How to set the static IP on Linux system?

Take Ubuntu 22.04 for example, the steps are as follows.

Step 1: Find the Network option (Wi-Fi or Network) in the System Settings, and determine the IP address of the network your computer is currently using.

Step 2: Go to the "Network" option, find the corresponding network port of your scanner by plugging and unplugging the network cable.

Step 3: Turn on the network card that the scanner is connected to, go to the IPv4 tab, and change the "IPv4 Method" to "Manual". In the "Addresses", manually enter the IP address (must be in the same network segment as the computer's IP address, and does not conflict with other devices) and subnet mask (, then click [Apply] to save the settings.


Step 4: Open the RVCManager Device Management pop-up window, click [Search] to refresh the device list. If the device can be searched and the network IP address in the Network Card Info is shown as the manually entered IP address, it means the static IP configuration is successful.

Step 5: If you still can't find the device through the above steps, you need to check whether the Linux kernel parameter rp_filter has been modified. Enter the Terminal window and type:

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter

If the return value is 1, you need to change the parameter value to 0. Use the cd command to switch to the scripts folder in the RVCManager installation directory and run the script.

cd /opt/RVC/scripts
chmod +x
sudo . /

7. How to configure the computer if it has two or more network cards?


(1) First, check the network card information through the Device Management pop-up window to confirm the network address corresponding to the network port to which the scanner is connected.

(2) If there are two network ports on the computer, but they are in the same network segment, you do not need to confirm which port is connected to the scanner when you connect it, just make sure that it is in the same network segment as these two ports.

(3) If the two ports are not in the same network segment, first confirm the address of the corresponding port by the network name. Plugging and unplugging the network cable, check the connection status of the device to confirm the corresponding network port. After confirming the network port, check the network address of the corresponding network port. Configure the device to the network address of the same network segment as the corresponding network port by [Auto Config] or [Manual Config].


It is recommended that you do not use a wireless network card when using a GigE scanner. The wireless network card is unstable in speed and cannot guarantee the bandwidth, which may cause problems in using the scanner due to insufficient bandwidth.


(1) First, you need to confirm the network address of the network port to which the scanner is connected. Open the Terminal window and enter the command "ip a", the result will be similar to the following figure:


The box on the left shows the serial number and corresponding name of the network card, those starting with enp or ens are real network cards, and the rest are virtual network cards. The red circle indicates the current state of the network port, state UP means connected, state DOWN means unconnected.

(2) First, check the status of the network port by plugging and unplugging the cable or disconnecting Wi-Fi, and determine the name of the network port and the corresponding IP address. Then check the scanner's connection status by plugging or unplugging the network cable or disconnecting Wi-Fi to determine the corresponding network port to which the scanner is connected.

(3) After confirming the network port, check the IP address of the corresponding network port, and then configure the light machine and cameras to the same network segment as the corresponding network port.

8. How to determine an IP conflict and resolve it?

When the scanner is connected to a computer through a switch, an IP conflict may occur.The IP conflict may cause the device to be displayed on the list, but the camera cannot be used (opening the camera fails). Therefore, it is recommended that users check the IP first when connecting the scanner to a computer through a switch, as described in the following steps:

(1) Connect the scanner directly to the computer, make sure it works, and record the network port IP.

(2) Disconnect the scanner, connect the computer to the network, and use the ping command to confirm whether any device occupies the IP.

(3) If there is a device occupying the IP address, change the IP address of the occupying device, or reconnect the scanner and change the IP address of the device.